Princess Iron Fan/subtitles

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00:00:01,080 --> 00:00:09,070
# 片名:铁扇公主
Princess Iron Fan

00:02:03,109 --> 00:02:09,280
# 西游记,本为一部绝妙之童话
Journey to the West is a wonderful children's story,

00:02:09,280 --> 00:02:15,280
# 特以世多误解,致被目为神怪小说
but the world often misunderstands it as a fantasy novel.

00:02:15,280 --> 00:02:19,240
# 本片取材于是
This film was made for the purpose of

00:02:19,240 --> 00:02:24,240
# 实为培育儿童心理而作
training the hearts and minds of children.

00:02:24,240 --> 00:02:29,280
# 故内容删芜存精,不涉神怪
The story is pure, untainted by fantasy.

00:02:29,280 --> 00:02:32,560
# 仅以唐僧等四人路阻火焰山
Fiery Mountain blocking the path of Tang Seng's company

00:02:32,560 --> 00:02:41,039
# 以示人生途径中之磨难
is a metaphor for the difficulties in life.

00:02:41,039 --> 00:02:46,439
# 欲求经此磨难,则必须坚持信念,大众一心
In order to overcome them, one must keep faith.
Everybody must work together

00:02:46,439 --> 00:02:52,430
# 始能获得此扑灭凶焰之芭蕉扇
in order to obtain the palm leaf fan and put out the flames.

00:02:52,839 --> 00:02:58,178
# 三藏真经
Tripikata True Sutra

Why is it so hot?

00:03:34,479 --> 00:03:37,789
# 现在已经秋天了,怎么还这么热
It's autumn already, how can it still be so warm?

00:03:37,840 --> 00:03:42,349
# 呆子,不要说废话,赶路要紧
Fool, don't talk rubbish. We should hurry and get on our way.

00:04:06,919 --> 00:04:09,349
# 悟空,这是到了什么地方
Wukong, where is this place?

00:04:09,400 --> 00:04:13,669
# 反正是我们上西天必定要经过的地方
We must pass through here to continue westwards, that much is certain.

00:04:13,719 --> 00:04:18,110
# 我们没有走错路线吧
Could we have taken the wrong path?

00:04:18,149 --> 00:04:21,700
# 为什么这个地方这么样的热呢
Why is it so hot here?

00:04:30,029 --> 00:04:31,649
# 师傅,你看
Master, look!

00:04:31,650 --> 00:04:33,779
# 前面那儿,不是有一座房子了吗
Isn't that a house up ahead?

00:04:33,829 --> 00:04:38,100
# 我们大家进去歇息一会儿好吧
Let's go in and rest for a while, OK?

Fiery Mountain

00:04:59,389 --> 00:05:02,899
# 这个地方名叫火焰山
This place is called Fiery Mountain.

00:05:02,949 --> 00:05:06,019
# 周围有几百里的火焰
The fire stretches for hundreds of miles.

00:05:06,069 --> 00:05:08,740
# 一根草都不生
Not single straw of grass can grow here.

00:05:08,790 --> 00:05:11,620
# 一年四季都是热的
The four seasons of the year are all warm.

00:05:11,680 --> 00:05:19,629
# 就是铜头铁臂要经过那个山也得融化成水
You couldn't pass through the mountain even with a head of copper and arms of iron.

00:05:19,670 --> 00:05:23,579
# 哪有这种事,师傅,你请放心
What kind of place is this? Master, don't worry!

00:05:23,629 --> 00:05:27,139
# 我们三个人都有法子可以过去
The three of us are all strong enough to pass!

00:05:27,189 --> 00:05:30,699
# 师傅,我去看看好吧
Master, I'll go and have a look!

00:08:06,310 --> 00:08:09,579
# 悟空,你去看了怎么样
Wukong, what was it like?

00:08:09,629 --> 00:08:11,819
# 厉害,厉害,真厉言
Bad, bad, very bad.

00:08:11,879 --> 00:08:15,910
# 要不是我跑得快,尾巴都烧光了
If I were any slower the fur on my tail would have been burned off.

00:08:42,720 --> 00:08:47,600
# 老施主,这里的火这样大
Noble host, the fires here are so big.

00:08:47,600 --> 00:08:49,669
# 这五谷从哪儿来的
How can you grow any crops?

00:08:49,710 --> 00:08:53,980
# 你看这儿有一千多里的路有一位铁扇公主
A thousand miles from here lives Princess Iron Fan.

00:08:54,039 --> 00:08:56,500
# 她有一把芭蕉扇
She has a palm leaf fan.

00:08:56,559 --> 00:08:59,070
# 一扇呢,火就熄了
Wave the fan once and the fire goes out.

00:08:59,120 --> 00:09:01,629
# 两扇呢,风就来了
Twice and the wind starts blowing.

00:09:01,679 --> 00:09:03,980
# 三扇呢,就下雨了
Three times and the rain starts coming down.

00:09:04,039 --> 00:09:07,509
# 我们就从这个时候播种收割
In the following period we plant and harvest.

00:09:07,559 --> 00:09:11,340
# 不过,要请那位公主来
However, asking that princess to come

00:09:11,399 --> 00:09:14,870
# 可不是一件容易的事
is certainly no simple matter.

00:09:14,909 --> 00:09:16,820
# 她住在什么地方
Where does she live?

00:09:16,879 --> 00:09:20,190
# 她住在翠云山芭蕉洞
She lives in Palm Leaf Cave at Emerald Cloud Mountain.

00:09:20,240 --> 00:09:23,669
# 是她一个人住在那儿吗
Does she live there alone?

00:09:23,720 --> 00:09:25,750
# 她有没有丈夫啊
Doesn't she have a husband?

00:09:25,799 --> 00:09:29,580
# 她的丈夫是牛魔王
Her husband is Bull Demon King.

00:09:29,639 --> 00:09:32,200
# 原来是老牛
What, her husband is Old Bull?

00:09:32,240 --> 00:09:36,789
# 呆子,你竟然认识他吗?跟我一块儿借扇子去
Fool, you know him? Come with me to borrow the fan!

00:09:36,840 --> 00:09:41,750
# 我…我知道老牛不住在那儿的
Actually... Old Bull doesn't live there.

00:09:41,799 --> 00:09:46,350
# 在他男人不在家的时候我们去找他的女人
Looking for his woman when he isn't home

00:09:46,399 --> 00:09:51,519
# 这…这有点不大方便吧
isn't very... appropriate.

00:09:51,559 --> 00:09:58,309
# 你们…两个人…去吧
You... you... the two of you go.

00:09:58,360 --> 00:10:04,290
# 我…我在…这儿…伺候师父
I... I'll stay here and serve Master.

00:10:04,440 --> 00:10:11,269
# 悟净,你也跟你两个师兄一同去吧
Sha Wujing, go with your two fellow apprentices.

Palm Leaf Cave

00:10:38,571 --> 00:10:44,978
# 芭蕉洞
Palm Leaf Cave

00:10:47,200 --> 00:10:51,549
# 呆子,每次都是我去打头阵的
Fool, I always go first.

00:10:51,600 --> 00:10:54,350
# 这次该你去了
This time it's your turn!

00:10:58,519 --> 00:11:04,909
# 三弟,每次都是我去打头阵,这次该你去了
Junior! I always go first, this time it's your turn!

00:11:04,960 --> 00:11:06,830
# 大师兄

00:11:06,879 --> 00:11:10,990
# 我叫你去给师父出一点力,你都不肯吗
I'm asking you to make a small effort for Master. Can't you do that?

00:11:11,039 --> 00:11:14,309
# 快去…
Hurry up!

00:11:39,639 --> 00:11:43,039
# 你是哪儿跑来的野和尚
Simple monk, where did you come from?

00:11:43,039 --> 00:11:49,870
# 大唐…圣僧…要你家…大公主…
The Great Sage... Tang Seng... wants your princess...

00:11:49,919 --> 00:11:52,480
# 胡说

00:12:47,549 --> 00:12:52,059
# 大…大师兄,还是你去吧
Senior... why don't you go instead?

00:12:52,120 --> 00:12:56,950
# 呆子,你去
Fool, you go!

00:12:57,000 --> 00:13:00,700
# 大师兄,还是你去吧
Senior, why don't you go?

00:13:04,029 --> 00:13:07,460
# 偷懒的东西
Lazy fool!

00:13:54,279 --> 00:13:57,899
# 好雷公菩萨,你饶了我放了我吧
Great God of Thunder! Don't kill me, let me go!

00:13:57,960 --> 00:13:59,950
# 你跟你们公主说
Go tell your princess

00:14:00,000 --> 00:14:03,279
# 我孙悟空要来借芭蕉扇
that Sun Wukong has come to borrow the fan.

00:14:03,279 --> 00:14:08,399
# 好,好,你放了我,我就去
Yes, yes! Let me loose, I'll go at once.

00:14:29,559 --> 00:14:37,059
# 奶奶,外面有一个孙悟空要来借芭蕉扇
Grandma, there's a Sun Wukong outside asking to borrow the fan.

00:14:41,519 --> 00:14:44,149
# 快拿我的剑来
Quickly fetch my sword.

00:15:01,639 --> 00:15:04,149
# 孙悟空,害我儿子的仇人
Sun Wukong, you hurt my son!

00:15:04,200 --> 00:15:08,549
# 你今天也敢自己来送死吗
You dare come here to meet your death?

00:15:08,600 --> 00:15:12,039
# 我是从来没见过你,怎么会害你的儿子
I've never met you before, how could I have harmed your son?

00:15:12,039 --> 00:15:15,789
# 我的孩子红孩儿不是你害死的吗
My son Red Child's life was ruined, wasn't that your doing?

00:15:15,840 --> 00:15:20,389
# 令郎已成正果,怎么说老孙害他呢
Your son is with the Goddess of Mercy now, how can you say that I hurt him?

00:15:20,440 --> 00:15:23,750
# 少说废话,伸过头来让我砍几剑
Enough rubbish! Come here and let me chop you with my sword.

00:15:23,799 --> 00:15:26,149
# 受得住我就把芭蕉扇借给你
If you can take it I'll lend you the fan.

00:15:26,200 --> 00:15:28,549
# 真的吗

00:15:56,799 --> 00:16:00,629
# 慢着,快把扇子借给我
Stop! Quickly give me the fan!

Blown away

00:17:53,630 --> 00:18:00,099
# 大圣不保唐僧到西天去?来到这儿做什么?
Great Sage, weren't you going west? Why have you come back here?

00:18:11,150 --> 00:18:17,140
# 我被铁扇公主一扇扇到这儿来的
Princess Iron Fan blew me here with a single wave of her fan.

00:18:17,190 --> 00:18:23,859
# 大圣你来得巧极了。 我有一样东西送给你
That's truly amazing, Great Sage. I have something for you.

00:18:28,509 --> 00:18:33,450
# 这里是一粒定风珠,大圣你有了这珠子
This is a wind pearl. When you use it,

00:18:33,509 --> 00:18:36,140
# 可以使你的心坚定了
your heart will become steady as a rock.

00:18:36,190 --> 00:18:39,180
# 保那铁扇公主扇不动你了
Princess Iron Fan won't be able to move you.

00:18:39,230 --> 00:18:42,849
# 大圣你来看
Great Sage, come and have a look.

00:19:00,430 --> 00:19:02,539
# 谢谢
Thank you.

00:19:06,069 --> 00:19:12,299
# 大…大师兄…不知给…
Senior... where...

00:19:12,349 --> 00:19:18,690
# 吹到什么…地方去了
where has he... been blown to?

00:19:18,750 --> 00:19:26,099
# 管他呢,让猴子也吃点舌头,我们走
Who cares about him? Let the monkey handle himself. Let's go.

00:19:35,190 --> 00:19:37,259
# 大…大…师兄
Senior... senior...

00:19:37,309 --> 00:19:43,470
# 你…被…被…那…
You... you...

00:19:43,470 --> 00:19:50,220
# 大师兄,你被那个婆娘扇到什么地方去了
Where were you blown to by that old lady?

00:19:50,269 --> 00:19:57,180
# 呆子,现在总该你去了
Fool, now it's definitely your turn to go.

00:19:57,230 --> 00:20:00,930
# 我不去,我要是被她一扇
I'm not going, a single wave of her fan

00:20:00,990 --> 00:20:03,450
# 简直就认不得回来了
could blow me to some faraway land.

00:20:03,509 --> 00:20:09,710
# 还是…你再去一趟吧
Maybe it's better if you go again.

00:20:09,710 --> 00:20:12,220
# 不去,不去
I won't go.

00:20:17,789 --> 00:20:22,779
# 下次轮到你,可不准再偷懒了
Next time I won't let you off!

In your stomach

00:20:56,150 --> 00:21:00,140
# 这次你尽管扇,扇得我动一动
This time I won't move no matter how much you wave,

00:21:00,190 --> 00:21:05,210
# 我不算男子汉大丈夫
as sure as I call myself am a man!

00:21:33,670 --> 00:21:38,579
# 大师兄,怎么这回她的扇子没有用啊
Senior, how come this time her fan couldn't move you?

00:21:46,829 --> 00:21:50,099
# 我们来打进去
Let's break our way in.

00:23:59,630 --> 00:24:04,180
# 快把芭蕉拿出来,给我孙悟空用一用
Quickly bring out the fan for Sun Wukong!

00:24:14,869 --> 00:24:16,900
# 孙悟空,你在什么地方
Sun Wukong, where are you?

00:24:16,950 --> 00:24:19,980
# 我在你肚子里呢
I'm in your stomach!

00:24:45,750 --> 00:24:48,539
# 孙悟空,你饶了我的命吧
Sun Wukong, spare me!

00:24:48,589 --> 00:24:51,180
# 你把扇子拿出来就是了
Only if you give me the fan!

00:24:51,230 --> 00:24:56,539
# 我答应你就是了,请你快点出来吧
I promise, I'll give it to you. Please come out!

00:25:00,230 --> 00:25:02,819
# 快把扇子拿来
Hurry up and bring the fan.

00:25:07,430 --> 00:25:09,220
# 扇子已经来了
We've brought out the fan.

00:25:09,279 --> 00:25:12,069
# 孙悟空你怎么还不出来呢
Why haven't you come out?

00:25:12,109 --> 00:25:16,619
# 你把嘴张开来,我就出来了
Open your mouth and I'll come out.

00:25:25,349 --> 00:25:29,420
# 孙祖宗,你怎么还不出来呢
Sun Wukong, why haven't you come out?

00:25:50,349 --> 00:25:55,579
# 我在这儿呢,借给我用用就还你的
Here I am. Lend me the fan for a while, I'll return it.

00:26:32,549 --> 00:26:36,579
# 师父等了好久了,我们快去吧
Master has been waiting long enough, let's get going!

What is scripture?

00:27:01,869 --> 00:27:04,900
# 经,经是什么
Scripture, what is scripture?

00:27:04,950 --> 00:27:10,029
# 经是天地之间不能辨易的道理
Scriptures are the principles that link heaven and earth.

00:27:10,029 --> 00:27:14,180
# 这个道理也就是做人的道理
They are the principles of man.

00:27:14,230 --> 00:27:18,700
# 任何一个人有了这个道理
Only he who holds these principles

00:27:18,750 --> 00:27:25,339
# 才可以免去诸般痛苦,好好的安居乐业
can rid himself of pain and live a good life,

00:27:25,390 --> 00:27:29,940
# 实实在在的过日子
live a true and honest life.

00:27:34,680 --> 00:27:36,349
# 反过来说

00:27:36,390 --> 00:27:40,089
# 要是做人不晓得这个道理
he who does not know these principles,

00:27:40,150 --> 00:27:46,380
# 就跟沉陷在苦海里头一样一生一世
will live a life full of misery.

00:27:46,430 --> 00:27:52,609
# 甚至于子孙孙,都得不到幸福
Even his son or grandson will not achieve happiness.

00:27:52,670 --> 00:27:55,660
# 我为什么要去取经
Why am I going to get the scripture?

00:27:55,710 --> 00:28:01,299
# 就是因为现在的人都陷在苦海里了
Because men nowadays are trapped in misery.

00:28:01,349 --> 00:28:04,180
# 要想成就这此些人
In order to achieve this goal, we are going to

00:28:04,230 --> 00:28:12,500
# 所以在大唐皇帝面前讨下这重大繁难的差事
appear before the Tang emperor and discuss this very complicated matter.

A fake fan

00:28:15,670 --> 00:28:17,819
# 芭蕉扇借到了没有
Did you get the palm leaf fan?

00:28:17,869 --> 00:28:19,400
# 借来了
We have it.

00:28:19,401 --> 00:28:20,779
# 是不是这个
Is this it?

00:28:22,829 --> 00:28:27,980
# 诸位施主,现在扇子既然借到了
Noble hosts, now that we have the fan,

00:28:28,029 --> 00:28:32,140
# 贫僧师徒就要告辞了
we will take our leave.

00:28:32,190 --> 00:28:34,039
# 慢一点
Hold on.

00:28:34,039 --> 00:28:39,789
# 诸位,我想留圣僧在这儿多住几天
Everyone, I would like to ask Sage Seng to stay here for a few more days.

00:28:39,829 --> 00:28:41,339
# 好不好啊
Do you agree?

00:28:41,390 --> 00:28:43,460
# 好的,好的

00:28:43,509 --> 00:28:45,890
# 谢谢诸位的好意
Thank you for your kindness.

00:28:45,950 --> 00:28:51,779
# 我早走一步就是早一步完成我们的任务
But the sooner I leave the sooner we can complete our task.

00:28:51,829 --> 00:28:56,180
# 那么就请令高徒先到火焰山
Very well, will the honorable apprentice first go to Fiery Mountain.

00:28:56,230 --> 00:29:02,140
# 扇灭了火之后,再陪圣僧同行
After extinguishing the flames, continue to follow Sage Seng.

00:29:02,190 --> 00:29:05,460
# 好,你就去吧
All right, go ahead!

00:30:24,470 --> 00:30:30,029
# 铁扇公主真可恶,拿假的芭蕉扇来骗我
Princess Iron Fan is really despicable, she gave us a fake fan!

00:30:30,029 --> 00:30:32,779
# 我非杀了她不可
I'll kill her for sure!

00:30:32,829 --> 00:30:36,299
# 不,杀了她也是枉然
No, killing her is the wrong thing to do.

00:30:36,349 --> 00:30:39,579
# 我素来不愿意你多杀人
I won't let you kill anyone.

00:30:39,630 --> 00:30:42,980
# 我们再想办法
Let's think of something else.

00:30:52,150 --> 00:30:56,220
# 师兄,怎么你也会上她的当
Senior, how could you be fooled by her?

00:30:56,269 --> 00:30:58,539
# 费了这么许多的力气
After making such an effort

00:30:58,589 --> 00:31:02,099
# 却弄了一把假的扇子来
all we got was a fake fan.

00:31:02,150 --> 00:31:06,500
# 笑话,笑话
Ridiculous, ridiculous.

00:31:08,910 --> 00:31:10,420
# 那么你去
Then you go!

00:31:10,470 --> 00:31:14,380
# 好好,我去我去,我就去
OK, I'll go, I'll go, I'm going!

00:31:14,430 --> 00:31:16,908
# 我去找牛魔王
I'll go find Bull Demon King.

00:31:16,909 --> 00:31:19,940
# 这倒是一个好办法
This is a good solution.

00:31:21,390 --> 00:31:24,439
# 师兄,你看好不好
Partner, what do you think?

00:31:24,440 --> 00:31:27,380
# 好,看你的了
We'll see how you do.

Foxy lady

00:33:07,190 --> 00:33:11,150
# 你看我今天化妆得好吗
What do you think, am I pretty today?

00:33:11,150 --> 00:33:13,779
# 好极了,我的小宝贝
Beautiful, my baby.

00:33:13,829 --> 00:33:17,059
# 你陪我到洞外头去走走,好不好
Accompany me for a walk outside the cave, all right?

00:33:17,109 --> 00:33:21,539
# 我的宝贝,还是你一个人去吧
My baby, why don't you go by yourself.

00:33:21,589 --> 00:33:24,819
# 本来嘛,我们这种草婆子
Why of course, I'm just a plain country girl.

00:33:24,869 --> 00:33:28,019
# 跟你出去了会使你丢脸的
Taking me outside might cause you to lose face.

00:33:28,069 --> 00:33:32,029
# 小宝贝,这是什么话呢
Baby, what are you saying?

00:33:32,029 --> 00:33:37,500
# 你先去,我随后就来好不好
You go ahead, I'll come out in a while, all right?

00:33:39,852 --> 00:33:44,557
# 翠云洞
Emerald Cloud Cave

00:35:28,030 --> 00:35:35,659
# 女菩萨,你真是天仙下凡
Goddess, you're truly an angel come down from heaven.

00:35:35,710 --> 00:35:37,900
# 你…你是什么人
Who... who are you?

00:35:37,949 --> 00:35:41,460
# 我是从芭蕉洞来找牛魔王的
I've come from Palm Leaf Cave to look for Bull Demon King.

00:35:41,519 --> 00:35:43,980
# 快放手
Let go of me!

00:35:49,550 --> 00:35:52,940
# 女菩萨,你慢点走
Goddess, slow down!

00:36:38,768 --> 00:36:40,133
# 翠云洞
Emerald Cloud Cave

00:36:44,230 --> 00:36:49,219
# 小宝贝,谁来欺负你
Baby, who has bullied you?

00:36:49,269 --> 00:36:50,820
# 是你

00:36:50,869 --> 00:36:54,340
# 我哪里舍得欺负你呢
How could I bully you?

00:36:56,909 --> 00:36:59,260
# 你还是回芭蕉洞去吧
Why don't you go back to Palm Leaf Cave?

00:36:59,320 --> 00:37:01,699
# 省得那个不要脸的东西
It would spare you some embarrassment.

00:37:01,750 --> 00:37:07,659
# 时常派人来请你,欺负我
They often send people to look for you, and bully me.

00:37:07,710 --> 00:37:11,059
# 你说有人来找我
Has there been someone here to look for me?

00:37:11,110 --> 00:37:15,059
# 外边有一个猪脸的和尚来请你
There's a pig monk outside looking for you.

00:37:15,119 --> 00:37:18,510
# 差一点把我吓死了
He almost scared me to death.

00:37:18,550 --> 00:37:22,739
# 真有这回事吗?待我出去看一看
How can this be? Wait while I go out to have a look.

Old friends

00:37:50,670 --> 00:37:53,780
# 牛大哥
Bull, old friend!

00:37:53,829 --> 00:37:58,139
# 这里头有个顶漂亮的小娘们
There's a very beautiful young lady in here.

00:37:58,199 --> 00:38:03,889
# 呸,那是我的女人,你为什么要欺负她
Hey, that's my woman! Why have you come to bother her?

00:38:03,930 --> 00:38:08,550
# 大哥,我不知那就是二嫂,请原琼
Oh, I didn't know, please forgive me!

00:38:08,550 --> 00:38:11,940
# 不知道不见罪,好啊,你走啊
You didn't know, so I can't blame you. Off you go!

00:38:11,989 --> 00:38:16,099
# 不不不,我还有事情请大哥帮忙
No, no. I still have something I need you to help me with.

00:38:18,469 --> 00:38:24,710
# 小弟保唐僧取经,路过火焰山
We were on our way to retrieve the scriptures when we arrived at Fiery Mountain.

00:38:24,710 --> 00:38:27,300
# 请大哥跟嫂子说一声
Please ask your wife

00:38:27,349 --> 00:38:30,820
# 把这个芭蕉扇借来用一用
to lend us the palm leaf fan for a while.

00:38:30,880 --> 00:38:33,510
# 不成,那唐僧和孙悟空
Absolutely not! Tang Seng and Sun Wukong

00:38:33,510 --> 00:38:35,179
# 是我孩子的仇人
are my son's enemies.

00:38:35,230 --> 00:38:38,739
# 我正要抓他们报仇
I'd love to take my revenge on them.

00:38:38,789 --> 00:38:44,969
# 令郎已成正果,请大哥不必再计较吧
Your son is with the Goddess of Mercy now, please don't fight.

00:38:45,030 --> 00:38:48,940
# 好,看在我们从前的交情我不跟你计较
All right, since we are old friends, I won't fight you.

00:38:49,000 --> 00:38:51,710
# 那么去吧
Now go away!

00:39:38,389 --> 00:39:44,179
# 宝贝,那个猪脸和尚是我从前一个朋友
Baby, that pig monk is a friend of mine.

00:39:44,230 --> 00:39:46,500
# 并不是芭蕉洞派来的
He wasn't sent from Palm Leaf Cave at all.

00:39:46,550 --> 00:39:47,739
# 我不相信
I don't believe you.

00:39:47,789 --> 00:39:50,940
# 我不骗你
I'm not lying to you!

00:39:50,989 --> 00:39:54,019
# 现在那个和尚到哪儿去了呢
Where is that monk now?

00:39:54,110 --> 00:39:57,780
# 已经被我打走了
I've already scared him away.

Pig posing as Bull

00:43:34,814 --> 00:43:40,987
# 芭蕉洞
Palm Leaf Cave

00:43:58,630 --> 00:44:01,340
# 大王回来了
The king has returned!

00:44:01,389 --> 00:44:02,369
# 奶奶呢
Where's grandma?

00:44:02,429 --> 00:44:04,780
# 在里边
She's inside.

00:44:42,989 --> 00:44:48,219
# 今天是什么风会把大王吹到这儿来的
By what honor has the king come to visit today?

00:44:48,269 --> 00:44:52,260
# 听到孙悟空保唐僧快到这儿
I heard that Sun Wukong and Tang Seng are coming here.

00:44:52,320 --> 00:44:56,909
# 恐怕他要来借芭蕉扇过火焰山
I'm afraid they want to use the palm leaf fan to pass Fiery Mountain.

00:44:56,949 --> 00:45:00,860
# 那猴子是害我们儿子的仇人
That monkey is the one who harmed our son.

00:45:00,909 --> 00:45:08,489
# 早晚来了抓着他,让我们夫妻出出恨
I'll get him sooner or later, we will have our revenge.

00:45:08,550 --> 00:45:12,699
# 夫人,你为什么哭
Darling, why are you crying?

00:45:12,750 --> 00:45:15,699
# 那猴子已经来过了
That monkey has already been here.

00:45:15,750 --> 00:45:18,860
# 是我不肯把扇子借给他
I refused to give him the fan.

00:45:18,909 --> 00:45:22,260
# 不知道怎么会跑到我的肚子里来
I don't know how, but he got inside my stomach.

00:45:22,309 --> 00:45:25,500
# 弄得我肚子痛得要命
It hurt so bad I thought I would die.

00:45:25,550 --> 00:45:30,589
# 后来我没有法子,只好把扇子借给他
At last I had no choice but to give him the fan.

00:45:30,789 --> 00:45:35,260
# 可惜可惜,你怎么把扇子借给他
That's terrible, how could you give him the fan?

00:45:38,320 --> 00:45:40,469
# 拿去的是假的
I gave him a false one.

00:45:40,720 --> 00:45:43,019
# 假的
A false one?

A banquet

00:46:14,190 --> 00:46:19,860
# 开筵庆祝大王归
A banquet to celebrate the king's return

00:46:19,909 --> 00:46:25,619
# 好酒殷勤劝几杯
Please drink the fine wine.

00:46:25,670 --> 00:46:34,179
# 鸡又香,鸭又美,猪又肥
The chicken is fragrant, the duck is beautiful, and the pig is fat.

00:46:34,239 --> 00:46:45,670
# 我尽量的歌,我尽量的舞
I try my best to sing, I try my best to dance.

00:46:45,710 --> 00:46:54,500
# 你也要尽量的醉
You must also try your best to drink.

00:47:03,590 --> 00:47:16,389
# 大王啊,你把旧人丢
My king! You dumped the old one.

00:47:16,429 --> 00:47:22,610
# 你爱新人媚
You love another woman.

00:47:22,670 --> 00:47:34,659
# 为你淌了多少相思泪
Countless tears were spilled for you.

00:47:46,710 --> 00:47:55,699
# 等一会灯儿吹帐儿垂
When the light is out and the curtain is dropped,

00:47:55,750 --> 00:48:00,869
# 你独自儿睡
you will sleep alone.

00:48:00,869 --> 00:48:05,510
# 也罢尝这个凄凉味
You too will taste loneliness.

00:48:05,510 --> 00:48:13,420
# 恕我不奉陪
Pardon me for not making you company.

00:48:18,550 --> 00:48:24,619
# 就是同床
Even if we are on the same bed,

00:48:24,670 --> 00:48:34,340
# 我们各人盖着各人的被
we will sleep under separate sheets.

00:48:38,389 --> 00:48:42,380
# 大王,我醉了
King, I'm drunk.

00:48:55,070 --> 00:48:58,139
# 夫人,那真扇子你放在什么地方
Darling, where did you put the real fan?

00:48:58,190 --> 00:49:05,460
# 那猴子花样很多,而且那猪八戒本事更大
That monkey is very deceitful, and the pig has even greater skill.

00:49:05,510 --> 00:49:09,780
# 当心给他们骗了去
If you're not careful they might trick you.

00:49:18,360 --> 00:49:21,980
# 宝贝不是在这儿吗
Our treasure is right here.

00:49:31,429 --> 00:49:39,309
# 大王,你出神想什么呢?还是收了吧
King, what are you thinking about? Why don't you take it?

00:49:39,309 --> 00:49:40,847
# 小宝贝
My treasure.

Another drink

00:49:41,514 --> 00:49:44,150
# 翠云洞
Emerald Cloud Cave

00:49:44,250 --> 00:49:49,019
# 宝贝,你多喝一杯,你喝啊
Baby, have another cup. Drink.

00:49:53,909 --> 00:49:59,510
# 今儿晚上,金龙大王还要请我去喝酒呢
Gold Dragon King has asked me to drink with him tonight

00:49:59,510 --> 00:50:01,420
# 那你就该去了
Then you should go.

00:50:01,469 --> 00:50:02,860
# 是的
That's right.

00:50:02,909 --> 00:50:06,610
# 你去替爷爷把金睛兽牵出去预备好
You should prepare the golden eyed beast for grandpa.

00:50:06,670 --> 00:50:08,260
# 是
I will.

00:50:08,320 --> 00:50:12,590
# 可是,你今儿个晚上去要少喝一点儿
You should drink a little less tonight.

00:50:12,630 --> 00:50:15,739
# 免得回来睡着叫不醒你
Otherwise I won't be able to wake you up.

00:50:15,800 --> 00:50:19,110
# 不好了,爷爷那个金隋兽不见了
It's terrible, grandpa's golden eyed beast has disappeared!

00:50:19,150 --> 00:50:20,900
# 你们全都是死人吗
Are you all deaf and blind?

00:50:20,949 --> 00:50:24,030
# 家里头的东西怎么会不见了呢
How could it just disappear?

00:50:24,030 --> 00:50:27,900
# 宝贝,不要管他们吧
Baby, don't mind them.

00:50:27,960 --> 00:50:31,710
# 恐怕是那猪八戒偷了去了
I'm afraid Zhu Bajie might have stolen it.

00:50:31,750 --> 00:50:35,260
# 说不定我要到芭蕉洞去一趟
Maybe I should go over to Palm Leaf Cave.

00:50:35,320 --> 00:50:39,309
# 原来是你们做好了的圈套
What? You've had this planned all along.

00:50:42,280 --> 00:50:48,150
# 你还是要到那个不要脸的女人那儿去
You still want to go over to that shameless woman?

00:50:48,190 --> 00:50:50,699
# 好宝贝,你不要哭了
Please baby, don't cry.

00:50:50,750 --> 00:50:54,059
# 我去去就来的
I'll be back soon.

Pig fooling Princess

00:50:57,624 --> 00:51:01,194
# 芭蕉洞
Palm Leaf Cave

00:51:02,670 --> 00:51:07,300
# 来来,喝喝
Come over here, drink a little!

00:51:10,349 --> 00:51:12,460
# 我现在放心了
Now I can relax.

00:51:12,510 --> 00:51:16,699
# 不怕他们偷我们的宝贝
We don't have to worry about our treasure being stolen.

00:51:16,750 --> 00:51:21,300
# 他们就是偷了去不知道把那丝线一拉
Even if they stole it, they wouldn't know to pull the silk thread.

00:51:21,360 --> 00:51:26,269
# 单是一颗珠子也没有用处啊
Having just a pearl won't be of any use.

00:51:26,309 --> 00:51:31,780
# 是不是那么一拉就变成扇子
Pulling the thread will turn it into a fan, right?

00:51:35,119 --> 00:51:38,070
# 大王,你今天喝醉了
King, you're drunk.

00:51:38,110 --> 00:51:44,019
# 自己的宝贝都忘了,还来问我
You forgot about your own treasure, and are asking me.

00:51:49,989 --> 00:51:53,690
# 娘子,你看看我是谁
Lady, look at who I am.

00:52:00,320 --> 00:52:03,750
# 你是什么人
Who are you?

00:52:03,789 --> 00:52:09,889
# 我是唐僧的二徒弟,猪八戒
I am Tang Seng's second apprentice, Zhu Bajie.

00:52:09,949 --> 00:52:14,780
# 对不住,谢谢你,打扰了
Sorry about bothering you, and thanks!

00:52:19,079 --> 00:52:21,710
# 再见

Pig's singalong

00:53:06,829 --> 00:53:10,699
# 牛大嫂太风骚
Bull's wife is too flirtatious.

00:53:10,760 --> 00:53:14,710
# 众小妖都俊俏
All her underlings are handsome.

00:53:14,750 --> 00:53:24,809
# 老猪真有点受不了
Old Pig almost couldn't take it.

00:53:24,869 --> 00:53:28,860
# 心机巧,手段妙
Using clever tricks and tactics,

00:53:28,909 --> 00:53:32,820
# 居然骗得了无价宝
I stole their treasure away.

00:53:32,880 --> 00:53:36,789
# 这一番劳苦功高
This is a great accomplishment.

00:53:36,829 --> 00:53:38,300
# 沙僧该拜倒
Sandy should be on his knees.

00:53:38,349 --> 00:53:40,730
# 猴儿该领教
Monkey should learn from me.

00:53:40,789 --> 00:53:45,219
# 师父也要吓一跳
Even Master will be astonished.

00:53:45,280 --> 00:53:49,190
# 我老猪也有今朝
Old Pig is truly masterful.

00:53:49,230 --> 00:53:54,349
# 我老猪也有今朝
Old Pig is truly masterful.

Bull fooling Pig

00:54:36,719 --> 00:54:40,469
# 呆子,事情办得怎么样了
Fool, how are things going?

00:54:40,510 --> 00:54:42,809
# 不仅扇子到手
Not only did I get the fan,

00:54:42,880 --> 00:54:48,789
# 铁扇公主并且还做了我半天的老婆
Princess Iron Fan was my wife for half a day, too.

00:54:48,829 --> 00:54:51,699
# 这倒便宜了你了
You got a good deal.

00:54:58,150 --> 00:55:01,579
# 扇子拿来给我看看
Hey, let me see the fan.

00:55:16,030 --> 00:55:20,219
# 你怎么会把它缩小了的呀
Why did you shrink it?

00:55:40,550 --> 00:55:45,340
# 老猪,你可认识我吗
Old Pig, you do recognize me, right?

00:55:45,389 --> 00:55:49,170
# 你不要跟我开玩笑了
Stop joking around with me.

00:55:49,230 --> 00:55:52,139
# 谁跟你开玩笑
Who's joking around with you?

Working together

00:56:42,869 --> 00:56:45,380
# 呆子,你去了怎么样
Fool, how did it go?

00:56:45,429 --> 00:56:47,099
# 白跑了一趟
It was all for nothing.

00:56:47,150 --> 00:56:49,980
# 悟能,扇子借来没有
Wuneng, did you borrow the fan?

00:56:50,030 --> 00:56:53,340
# 我去找牛魔王,他不肯借
I found Bull Demon King, but he refused.

00:56:53,400 --> 00:56:59,190
# 后来,我又变成老牛的样子
Then, I turned into his look-alike.

00:56:59,230 --> 00:57:03,539
# 在铁扇公主那儿把扇子已经骗过来了
I tricked Princess Iron Fan into giving me the fan.

00:57:03,590 --> 00:57:10,590
# 谁知道他又变成你的样子又给他骗回去了
But then Old Bull turned into your look-alike and tricked me into giving it back.

00:57:10,590 --> 00:57:12,739
# 老牛的本领大
Old Bull's skills are great.

00:57:12,800 --> 00:57:16,150
# 我还被他揍了一顿呢
I got beaten up by him, too.

00:57:16,190 --> 00:57:21,380
# 呆子,你能办这样大的事那还算是呆子吗
How could you get the fan and still be such a fool?

00:57:21,429 --> 00:57:25,659
# 事情不都环在你头上
Not everything revolves around you!

00:57:30,750 --> 00:57:34,369
# 你们不要吵了,赶紧再想办法
Don't fight, we should quickly think of a solution.

00:57:34,429 --> 00:57:40,260
# 哪一方…没…没有火啊
In which... which direction is there no fire?

00:57:40,320 --> 00:57:47,070
# 东南西北,只有西方有火
Of east, south, west, north, there's fire only to the west.

00:57:47,119 --> 00:57:50,739
# 那我们不是要走回去了吗
So we have no option but to go back.

00:57:50,789 --> 00:57:52,940
# 这路不通,不回去怎么样呢
This path is blocked, what other options do we have?

00:57:52,989 --> 00:57:55,219
# 八戒,你不要这样说
Bajie, don't talk like that.

00:57:55,269 --> 00:57:59,139
# 要成功一件事情总是有阻碍的
There will always be obstacles in our path.

00:57:59,190 --> 00:58:04,539
# 我们要做这样神圣的事情就要坚定我们的信念
To complete our sacred task we must be strong in our faith.

00:58:04,590 --> 00:58:09,219
# 不能因为有一点儿困难就中适改变我们的宗旨
We can't change our goal half way just because we encounter some obstacles.

00:58:09,280 --> 00:58:14,590
# 你们这次失败的原因是由于既不同心又不合力
The reason that we've been defeated is that we haven't worked together.

00:58:14,630 --> 00:58:17,139
# 假使你们三个人一条心
If the three of you work as one,

00:58:17,190 --> 00:58:20,500
# 合起力量,共同跟牛魔王决斗
put your strength together to fight Bull Demon King,

00:58:20,550 --> 00:58:22,849
# 事情一定可以成功的
then you will certainly be victorious.

00:58:22,909 --> 00:58:26,030
# 我们谨遵师父的命令
We have heard the order of Master

00:58:26,030 --> 00:58:30,139
# 去跟牛魔王争一个谁胜谁败
and will fight Bull Demon King to the end.

00:58:30,190 --> 00:58:34,260
# 谁…谁…谁胜谁败
to... to the end.

00:58:34,320 --> 00:58:37,710
# 那就好极了
That's excellent!

00:58:37,750 --> 00:58:40,980
# 各位受他的害处也不小了
We have all been through hardships.

00:58:41,039 --> 00:58:43,869
# 希望各位也出此些力量
I hope everyone will make an effort

00:58:43,869 --> 00:58:49,579
# 跟小徒们共同征服牛魔王,消灭火焰山
together with my disciples to defeat Bull Demon King and put out the flames of Fiery Mountain.

00:58:49,630 --> 00:58:52,820
# 免除永远的祸害
Otherwise this misery will never end.

00:58:53,869 --> 00:58:57,489
# 我们听从师父的命令,为大家谋幸福
We have heard the order of Master, to seek happiness for all.

00:58:57,550 --> 00:58:58,860
# 大家一起出力去
Everyone work together!

00:58:58,909 --> 00:59:00,519
# 好
All right!

Trapping Bull

01:08:23,229 --> 01:08:25,609
# 奶奶,不好了
Grandma, it's terrible!

01:08:25,670 --> 01:08:30,789
# 爷爷给人家抓住了,你快点去看看吧
Grandpa has been trapped, come quickly and look!

01:08:54,470 --> 01:08:56,699
# 还不过来打,过来打
The fight's not over yet, not over.

01:08:56,760 --> 01:08:58,710
# 慢一点,慢一点
Careful, careful.

01:08:59,760 --> 01:09:05,789
# 孽畜,只要你把扇子交出来,饶你不死
Beast, all you have to is give us the fan and we'll spare your life.

01:09:05,840 --> 01:09:12,750
# 老牛,扇子在什么地方?快拿出来啊
Old Bull, where is the fan? Hand it over!

01:09:12,789 --> 01:09:19,340
# 在我老…老婆那儿
My... my wife... has it.

01:09:25,239 --> 01:09:27,989
# 夫人,夫人,夫人
Darling, darling!

01:09:28,029 --> 01:09:32,260
# 你快点来救救我
Save me, hurry!

01:09:32,319 --> 01:09:35,109
# 把扇子拿出来吧
Give them the fan.

01:09:35,149 --> 01:09:39,619
# 大王,好,好的
King! All right, all right!

01:09:43,399 --> 01:09:47,229
# 悟空,你再去一趟吧
Wukong, you go one more time!

01:12:30,850 --> 01:12:46,599
# 剧终
The End
Personal tools